Huwebes, Disyembre 15, 2011

The Trouble Between Two Queens

In a household, I believe that there should only be one crowned queen. But sometimes, even when you're already in your own "kingdom", you feel like you're being ruled over by the other queen. Most of the times, it's a cold war caused by the DOs and DON'Ts of rearing a child.

I confess that I wasn't financially ready to raise a child when I found out I was pregnant. Sometimes I would break down because alongside this incapacity is my fear of not becoming a good mother to my child. But I've conquered these fears by reading articles regarding pregnancy and child-rearing. I watched videos on how to give bath to a newborn and on how to feed them their first solid food. I even chat with other moms (almost with the same age as mine) so as to learn new insights on what to do on certain situations. I also ask my baby's pediatrician regarding her growth development as well as her health. But when all things fail, here comes my mother-in-law saying all the SHOULDs to be done. Sometimes, she even makes me feel like I'm inadequate to become a mom. Though I'm thankful to how much she's concerned to her first grandchild, I think there are boundaries both of us should be very aware of.

When I had my daughter, that's the only time I realized that Moms know best! I may not know all the answers to the puzzling world of a first-time mom but I am confident to say that I know what's good and bad for my daughter.

The other queen would feed the little princess with boiled egg. She would even let her eat the "white" part. But I, the queen mother of the little princess, know that the white part isn't good for her. The doctor said that that part usually triggers a child's allergy. My husband and I already informed her about this but she would insist. The night the little princess ate that part, she vomited.

The other queen would put powder to our little princess... at her back, chest, armpits, and to my horror, even at her face! My little princess would be covered with mists of powder and later she would sneeze! My husband and I already informed her that the tiny particles of that powder don't dissolve inside our little princess' lungs. That would even cause her asthma! But she would insist. She would tell me her sons didn't have any lung problem even though she would pat a lot of powder on them. (But my husband has nasal allergy to any "dust" particle!)

The other queen had a lot more experience than the mother queen but that doesn't guarantee that she knows ALL already. However, though she would insist her "old" ways to our little princess, I would still be thankful for her presence in our kingdom. Maybe just like me, she only wants what's best for our little princes.

Huwebes, Disyembre 8, 2011

Oh! What A Week!

This week takes like forever to finish. My daughter's nanny just left us and now we're in search for another one. It's hard for me because I go to work everyday (except on weekends). It's hard when all of a sudden you just need to do almost everything in a very short time.

Well, thank God I've got a very loving and supportive husband!

But I seriously need a new nanny! :(

Miyerkules, Disyembre 7, 2011

A Parent's Weird Dreams

I saw a post in about a dad's weird dream(s) when his wife was still pregnant and now that they're both enjoying taking care of their child. I had weird dreams also when I was pregnant that I never thought I would ever dream of! Haha!

Well, here's my version:

I missed my period last year for only a week when I already felt the symptoms of being pregnant. But even before I felt all those morning sickness, I had a weird dream that I also consider a "prophecy". In my dream I was already 3 months pregnant. When my mother found out about it she was furious! But in my dream I had a miscarriage that I don't consider a miscarriage at all. A blob of white thing, something similar to a gelatin, was supposed to be my 3 month-old fetus. And it looked so much like its dad! (That's the reason why I thought I was carrying a boy when we haven't had our ultrasound yet.) Then that dream jumped into a scene where my friends rode a bus and all of them were wearing white. When I told them about this dream they got a little scared. They thought someone's going to die.

I'm about 3 months pregnant

After a week when I had that dream, I felt sick. I wanted to eat some food but when it's served already I just wanted to throw up by just the mere smell of it. It was totally unexpected. My boyfriend, who's my husband now, didn't expect it also. So we bought a pregnancy kit test and as soon as I got home I tested myself and it immediately showed positive! I didn't know how to react at that time. I was half excited for the little life inside my tummy but then I was also frightened by what my family and friends would tell me.

Just got married. I was about 4 months here.

We got married last year. And while I was being a pregnant housewife, I experienced having bad dreams. One night, I woke up shaking and with cold sweat. In my dream, I went to the comfort room while my husband was taking a shower. I peed and while I was peeing, our baby just came out. We tried to revive it but it was too late. When I told my husband about it, he talked to our baby who's still in my tummy. He asked her to only come out when the time is right. She listened to her daddy.
Our baby was in breech position until on its 8th month.
It was also this time that we were only able to confirm that it's a girl! :)

I was due October 29, 2011. My husband talked to our daughter again through speaking to my tummy on the eve of the 29th. He told her she could come out anytime now. The next day, at 3:00 pm, my water broke. On October 30, at 7:38 am I delivered a healthy and super cute baby girl. We named her Mavis Sophia.
Our first family picture. :)